Tuesday, 6 May 2014

M0oD of the sentences (The grammar of interpersonal exchanges)

Hello again everyone !
What is you mood today??

Ok now friends....not only human things or living things have mood. Sentences also have their mood..Really??..yes of course...

1. Declarative sentences
  • The sentences that form a statement

  • Tomorrow I will go to the store. 
  • Yesterday I left school early. 
  • I told her to wear the blue skirt. 
  • She did not want to eat the pizza that I gave her. 
  • We walked to the mall together.

2. Interrogative sentences (WH ans Yes/No interrogative)
  • The sentences that form a question
  • What do you think I should wear the pink shoes or the white sneakers? 
  • What did the teacher say to you yesterday? 
  • Did you go to the movies yesterday?

3. Imperative sentences
  • The sentences that make a command or request

  • Get me some water. 
  • Leave that cat alone. 
  • Go to the store for me. 
  • Bring me some ice.

Did you know that many people assume that imperative sentences have no subject when they really do, the subject of imperative sentences is always you, since in these type of sentences, the person that is making the command or request is always asking you to do something. For this reason, the subject in imperative sentences is called you (understood) because, all though the subject may not be visible in the sentence, it is understood that the subject is always you.
To get a clearer understanding, check these sentences out;
(You) get me some water. 
(You) leave the cat alone. 
(You) go to the store for me. 
(You) Bring me some ice.
4. Exclamatory sentences
  • The sentences that attempt to powerful feelings, or emotions;

  • I'm leaving! 
  • I can not wait to graduate! 
  • I love you so much! 
  • We beat that other team good! 
  • I can't believe how tall giraffes really are! 
  • I can't believe this, I am so upset!

The best way to distinguish one sentence from the other is to memorize what each type of sentence does, for instance you can say, declarative sentences are the statement sentences, interrogative sentences are the question sentences, imperative sentences are the request and command sentences, or the giving order sentences, and exclamatory sentences are the ones that show a strong feeling or emotion. You should also take a piece of paper, and make four rows, and on the top of each row write the names of the different types of sentences; declarative, interrogative etc. and under those names (declarative, interrogative etc.) write 5-10 sentences each, that apply to the kind of sentence, for instance in one column you'll write down declarative and underneath you would write down 5-10 sentences that make a statement. Try reading to, and see if you can spot the different types of sentences. It may be easier to visibly see in writing which sentences are what; you can also use this sheet of paper to refer back to. It may be tricky to distinguish the sentences but with a little practice it will all get easier.
Good luck everyone!

salam sayang

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